
What Type of Estate Plan Do I Need?



Own a home or are considering one in the future?

Brace yourself, but in Texas, a house doesn’t automatically go to you if your spouse dies…even if you bought it together and your name is on the title. There would have to be a legal process, whether probate or otherwise, that costs more time and money than if you made a plan today. Your home is one of your most valuable assets. You definitely don’t want to leave it to the State of Texas to decide how it should be distributed.

Why You Need a Will When Purchasing a Home

By Lorie Burch | January 27, 2021

By Lorie Burch, Owner & Founding Attorney of Burch Law I am often asked when is it a good time to get a Will. There are many life events that may trigger the need for this planning, such as marriage, divorce, births, retirement. One of […]

Considering doing it yourself?

DIY estate planning might seem like a budget-friendly route, but while online templates promise to save you money upfront, consider this: a single mistake could cost your loved ones a fortune down the line.

It's like trying to fix your car with a YouTube tutorial – one tiny slip, and your engine's toast.

Just like that, a misplaced comma or overlooked detail in your estate documents could lead to costly legal battles or even assets going to the wrong people.

In conclusion: attorneys make MORE money when you spend LESS money on your plan!


The True Cost of DIY Estate Planning: Weighing Savings vs. Risks

By Lorie Burch | October 4, 2023

Let’s dive into a topic that’s gained quite the reputation – DIY estate planning. It might sound like a cost-effective solution at first, but is it really as beneficial as it seems? Join us as we take you through the ups and downs of this […]

Protect Your Legacy: Avoid DIY Estate Planning Mistakes

By Lorie Burch | September 20, 2023

There are so many red flags when it comes to the practice of law. One of the biggest is the concept of DIY Wills and estate planning. DIY estate planning might sound tempting, but the consequences of making a mistake are far greater than misaligning […]

Common DIY Estate Planning Mistakes: Lessons from Real Cases

By Lorie Burch | August 30, 2023

Planning for the future, including “the end,” can be a bit daunting, leading some individuals to take the do-it-yourself (DIY) route. While the allure of “saving” money and time is tempting, DIY estate planning mistakes can have lasting consequences. So why not share some real-life […]

Why You Need an Estate Planning Attorney – Avoiding Costly Mistakes

By Lorie Burch | August 23, 2023

Estate planning attorneys might not be the most exciting topic to discuss, but it’s undeniably crucial. None of us can predict the future, but we can certainly prepare for it. That’s where law firms with expertise in estate planning come in. Think of them as […]

DIY Estate Planning Risks: What Could Go Wrong?

By Lorie Burch | August 16, 2023

Ok, we get it, for many, there’s a certain thrill in tackling projects yourself. From building IKEA furniture to trying out new recipes, the do-it-yourself approach can be rewarding. Although my family knows to leave me alone while I’m trying to put together furniture, especially […]

Think an Online Will is “Better than Nothing”? Think Again!

By Lorie Burch | February 8, 2021

By Lorie Burch, Owner & Founding Attorney of Burch Law So many people are under the false assumption that drafting a Will through an online form or Will kit is “better than nothing.” I disagree. An online Will is actually WORSE than nothing! You’ve been […]

a mother and child hug.

The importance of doing it now

I know, I know, no one wants to think about punching their final ticket, but the reality is that it WILL happen and it COULD happen any day. So why, if you truly care about your loved ones and what you mean to them, would you go one more day without getting this vital planning done?

5 Reasons to Get Your Will Done TODAY (not tomorrow, not next year, TODAY!)

By Lorie Burch | January 5, 2023

By Lorie L. Burch, Owner and Founding Attorney of Burch Law I know, I know, no one wants to think about punching their final ticket, but the reality is that it WILL happen and it COULD happen any day. So why, if you truly care […]

Feeling overwelmed?

Most people find getting their Will, trust, or estate plan in place overwhelming, and one of our primary goals at Burch Law is to simplify this process. We have an advanced and modern approach that gets you started AND finished efficiently with a customized and thorough plan. At Burch Law, we get this done in three phases that are typically completed in 6-8 weeks, and we will guide you every step of the way.

A young man who made a DIY estate plan holding his hand over his face in stress

It’s easier than you think to get your estate plan started!

By Lorie Burch | April 13, 2023

By Lorie L. Burch, Owner and Founding Attorney of Burch Law  Most people find getting their Will, trust, or estate plan in place overwhelming. “Where do I start? What decisions do I have to make? What information do I need to gather? How does it […]


Concerned about cost?

One of the most common questions we get is “how much is this going to cost?” And we get it, all of us here at Burch Law have other expenses and budgets to work with. We also know that our happiest clients focus on value rather than cost. If you’re unsure of how much should estate planning cost, click on the resources below.

The Cost of NOT Having a Will

By Lorie Burch | June 12, 2024

By Lorie Burch, Owner & Founding Attorney of Burch Law Hi, Lorie Burch here, your go to Wills & trusts attorney. We’re often asked, understandably, how much does it cost to get a Will. But the real question SHOULD be what is the cost of […]

We aren’t the lowest cost, but we are the best value

By Lorie Burch | April 14, 2023

By Lorie L. Burch, Owner and Founding Attorney of Burch Law Everyone wants to save money; we’re right there with you. But what we really want is the best deal; the best bang for your buck. No, we aren’t the lowest cost, but we are […]

So What Is This Going to Cost Anyway?

By Lorie Burch | January 5, 2023

By Lorie L. Burch, Owner and Founding Attorney of Burch Law One of the most common questions we get is “how much is this going to cost?” And we get it, all of us here at Burch Law have other expenses and budgets to work […]

When I pick out wine…

By Lorie Burch | December 12, 2022

By Lorie L. Burch, Owner & Founding Attorney of Burch Law I was recently on a business trip with my good friend and fellow attorney, Jaime Duggan. We were at dinner and wanting to pick out a bottle of wine. We both discovered that our […]

Can I exclude my family?

Your family may not be the ones you want to make decisions for you or to inherit your assets or property. You don’t have to include anyone you don’t want to, but you have to have a solid plan in place to make sure it holds up. You may also want to consider the privacy of a revocable living trust rather than a Will that has to go through a public probate process.

Senior old man elderly examining and signing last will and testament

Do I have to pay estate taxes?

Texas doesn’t have a state inheritance tax, so we are only subject to the federal estate tax. While the federal estate tax exemption is rather high, it can always change, so it’s important to work with your attorney to see if you need to do any planning now or in the future.

Click here to view the federal tax exemption

Unsure of your choices?

When you feel stuck in the details, you aren’t getting ANYTHING done and risking something happening before you make a plan.

So ask yourself: DO I WANT TO HAVE AN ESTATE PLAN? If the answer is “yes,” then get started NOW! Make the decision and the details will fall into place.

The Burch Law Promise Checklist

By Sara Gipson | January 22, 2024

The Burch Law Promise Checklist If you’re going to do this, you need to do it RIGHT! But what does that mean? First, DIY kits and forms, or those reduced fee legal programs are often not valid and only end up costing more in money, […]

Make the decision and the details will fall into place

By Lorie Burch | March 31, 2023

By Lorie L. Burch, Owner and Founding Attorney of Burch Law “Make the decision and the details will fall into place.” This is wise advice my sister once gave to me. She often says that she was a great role model growing up…for what NOT […]

Which Estate Plan Do You Want?

State of Texas Plan Will Plan*
Potential legal fees Probate court: $7,000 - $14,000+
Total fees: $17,000 - $29,000+
Probate court: $3,500 - $7,000+ $0
Court time delay Time to start: 9+ months
Total time delay: Years
Time to start: 3+ months N/A
Who gets your home State of Texas decides You decide You decide
Who gets your money & assets State of Texas decides You decide You decide
Who is guardian of your children State of Texas decides You decide You decide
When do kids get money & property Age 18 You decide You decide
Privacy Public record of assets and family history Public record of assets and family history Private/no public record
*These plans include: Living Will (Directive), Powers of Attorney – Medical & Financial, HIPAA Medical Release, Declaration of Guardian, Disposition of Remains, and Designation of Health Care Agent for Children.
NOTE: If your Will or trust is not done by a qualified, experienced law firm, the results are typically similar to not having any plan at all!


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