If You Died Today, Would Your Family Be Prepared?

By Lorie Burch, Owner & Founding Attorney of Burch Law

Pretty depressing thought, right? I get it, I do. All I can tell you is that it is far less depressing than having your family sitting across from me sharing how you always planned to get a Will and powers of attorney put into place, but just hadn’t gotten around to it.

The problem is, you just never know when an unexpected illness or accident may occur. According to recent statistics in Texas, 1 person is killed every 2 hours and 29 minutes in a traffic accident. One person is injured every 2 minutes and 12 seconds! If you’ve driven on 635 during rush hour, you know this is true! A sudden heart attack takes about 325,000 adult deaths every year. This list goes on and on of how no one is immune from illness or death. So when is the best time to plan? NOW!

I much prefer a call to get your Will drafted than a call from your family that it’s too late. Even the seemingly simplest of situations can become a huge ordeal that could be avoided by some basic planning.

Did you know that without a Will:

  • The court will determine the guardian of your children. Your family could end up in court fighting over the kids, or the kids could end up with a stranger.
  • The court will determine the trustee of your children’s inheritance.
  • The state determines who inherits your estate.
  • The court will appoint an executor for your estate.
  • Your court appointed administrator may have to post a bond to guarantee that s/he is responsibly managing the money the state grants to your underage children.
  • In second marriages with children, a new spouse may become partners with stepchildren or possibly an ex-spouse in handling your estate.

Don’t let this happen to you…don’t put your family through the pain of having to bear avoidable costs and complications during a time of tremendous grief. You’re out of excuses and the time is now. Get your Will and other planning in place today!

And remember: If YOU Don’t Have a WILL, the State of Texas has One for YOU!

Burch Law
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