Why Estate Planning is Like Plumbing: A Story About Leaks and Legacies

I’m going to share a personal story — recently, I had to deal with something that I truly dread: plumbing issues. And to make matters worse, it wasn’t just a clogged drain or a leaky faucet. Nope, this time, it was big. Foundation work, and as part of that, we had to have a plumbing test done.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Plumbing? Yawn. But stay with me, because what I learned from that experience got me thinking. Plumbing-and in a surprising way, estate planning-are a lot alike.

The Silent Emergency

So, here’s how it went down. The plumber comes out, digs around, and performs this test on our pipes. It’s one of those moments where you cross your fingers and hope everything’s fine. You know, ignorance is bliss, right?

Wrong. The plumber found a leak. But here’s the kicker-there were no puddles in my house, no dripping sounds at night. The damage wasn’t obvious to us at all. That’s what made it dangerous. It was a silent emergency, the kind of problem that lurks out of sight, but keeps growing. And by the time you realize it’s there, it’s already done a ton of damage.

We got quotes ranging from $8,000 to $14,000. Yes, you read that right. For something we didn’t even know was a problem! I remember standing there, staring at those numbers, wondering if maybe we could just… ignore it. It wasn’t like we could see the issue. It felt so obscure, like it wasn’t real.

The “Not If, But When” Problem

Here’s the harsh reality: the leak wasn’t a matter of “if” it would get worse. It was a matter of “when.” Sure, I could’ve put off the repairs, crossed my fingers, and hoped nothing bad happened. But that wouldn’t change the fact that the leak was there, slowly eroding the foundation we had poured so much money into.

And the longer we waited, the worse-and more expensive-the problem would get. Not to mention the stress of knowing it was out there, lurking. So we bit the bullet. We paid for the repair. And while it was painful, we knew it would save us from catastrophic damage (and much bigger bills) down the line.

Estate Planning: Your Silent Emergency

That’s when it hit me: estate planning is exactly like this. It’s one of those things people put off because it doesn’t seem urgent. I mean, who really wants to spend their time planning for when they’re no longer around?

But just like the hidden leak in my plumbing, estate planning is a silent emergency. It’s easy to ignore because it doesn’t make itself known-until it’s too late. And trust me, you don’t want to wait until it’s too late.

If you don’t have a plan in place, the costs-emotional, legal, and financial-can be enormous. Your family could be left navigating a confusing, expensive, and time-consuming legal process, all while dealing with the emotional toll of losing you. And like that plumbing leak, it’s not a matter of “if” something will happen-it’s a matter of “when.”

Prevent Now, Save Later

No, estate planning isn’t fun. Just like paying thousands of dollars to fix plumbing I couldn’t see wasn’t fun. But here’s the truth: it’s one of the best preventative measures you can take. It’s an investment that will save you (and your loved ones) a massive amount of stress and money later.

So yes, it’s easy to push estate planning to the bottom of your to-do list. It feels obscure, out of sight, not something you need to deal with today. But much like plumbing, ignoring it won’t make the problem go away. The smartest move? Take care of it now-before you have a much bigger mess on your hands.

At the end of the day, whether it’s a leak in your plumbing or the lack of an estate plan, it’s all about protecting what you’ve built and safeguarding your future. Get it done now. Your future self (and your loved ones) will thank you.

Burch Law
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